
Monday, October 17, 2016

One Month (7 weeks)

Wowza! It's been a crazy hectic 7 weeks but I couldn't ask for anything better. My dad left last Tuesday after being here since day 10 of SJ's life and so I've slowly had to figure out how to run this mom life on my own. I've had breakdowns, I've had moments of insanity, my house isn't as spotless as I would like.. however when I get a smile from my sweet boy all of the tears and thoughts of "I have no freaking clue what I'm doing" disappear and I just melt into a puddle and it's all worth it.

I won't bore you with details of everything has gone on in the past 7 weeks (it hasn't been too exciting) but I will condense his little life into this post, and I'll be better at posting more often now that we have a semi-routine so I won't have to play catch up.

SJ loves to snuggle, and he is so great at it. Although sometimes his need to love on momma makes it pretty difficult to make food for myself, let alone sweep and swiffer the floors (; I am pretty sure he is the worlds worst napper.. he doesn't sleep for more than an hour at a time and that's pushing it and it only happens about 2-3 times a day but he makes up for it at night. Little man sleeps like a champ from about 9:30-2am when we change his diaper and eat. Sometimes he gets up around 5-6am to eat and then he goes back down until about 8:30am so if we have to choose to sleep at night or take naps during the day- I'm gonna go with sleep at night.

 SJ has some CRAZY insane neck and leg muscles already and can sit and stand up with plenty of assistance and I'm pretty sure would crawl if he had the whole "move arms and legs at same time" knowledge. Everyday he amazes me more and more with his readiness to move. He LOVES his baby gym, he will sit under the mirror and animals and play for HOURS if I let him (:

He is gaining weight like a champ (I swear all he does is eat) and is wearing 0-3 clothes although some of them are still a little large. Breastfeeding is still a challenge but we are down to only supplementing about 6 oz (2oz after a feeding when I'm lacking on production) a day with formula so it's getting better everyday. I doubt he will ever be only breastfed but I'm a firm believer in fed is best- whether it's exclusively breastfeeding/formula/or supplementing when needed.

Bath time:

SJ LOVES bath time and with the Bloomin' bath it makes sink baths so much easier (and puts my mind at ease that he's comfy and safe) honestly if he's having a meltdown and nothing will calm him down... my go to remedy to relax him is a bath. Plus he always smells SOO good after!

My sweet little bear, oh how you're growing so fast right before my eyes. You are doing so many amazing things already I can't wait to see all that you accomplish in your many years to come. Having your smiles and love fills a void that I never even knew existed. For 9 months it was just me and you, and I was so nervous to share you with the world. Now that you're here with me all I want to do is show you off and let others fall in love with you as much as I have. I know your daddy wishes he could be apart of these first few months but he is where he needs to be and will be home with us so so soon and our little family will be whole once again. For now, daily skype dates and songs will have to do. I always knew that I wanted to be a mom more than anything in the world, but I never knew what complete joy and happiness it would bring me. Thank you baby boy for your unconditional love and for choosing me to be your momma.

Until next time,