
Friday, January 13, 2017

SJ Four Months

The regression is REAL my friends...  things were great, we were sleeping mostly all night, down between 8:30-9pm up at 3-4am to eat and then back down until 9:30am with 3 naps throughout the day. We hit 4 months, things were still pretty great (although being in California DEFINITELY screwed with bedtime) and then we got home, the routine started to be good and BAM! regression. I thought we were the lucky ones, I thought it was a myth, but BOY OH BOY was I wrong... he's still down between 8:30-9 however now he's up at 11, 2, 4:30, and 6 am ready to take on the day... sorry babes but mama cannot function at 6 am without 300 cups of coffee, and lord knows that's not going to happen... so depending on the day, we move to the couch between 4:30 and 6, I turn on octonauts, he snuggles up and we he watches while I try to catch another hour of very half awake sleep. Please tell me it gets better... PLEASE?!


We have started baby food! He absolutely loves it, he still hasn't grasped the whole tongue thrusting yet however it combines two of his favorite things.. making messes and eating. So far his favorites are apples and bananas. He is not so much a fan of carrots but they say it takes 11 yes ELEVEN times of trying something for a child to actually decide if they like it or not. He is still breastfeeding (when able) and is also still supplementing with formula (more to come on that in another post) with him growing it's just getting harder and harder for my body to produce enough to for our little fatty to be satisfied, and that's okay... as long as he is healthy and eating I'm just fine with it. 


SJ had his 4 month appointment and is currently weighing in at 15 pounds and 26 inches long. He's in size 2 diapers and in 3-6 month clothes. He can roll from back to belly and belly to back and thinks it's the bees knees. He also has discovered his vocal chords and the fact he has a large range of noise he can make, I swear his new favorite thing is to sit in his racecar and squeal. It's adorable most all of the time. I just can't get over how strong and big he is getting with each passing day. 

Dear SJ:
To my sweet, energetic, happy, loving baby boy.. your personality is shining through and your demeanor is nothing short of loving. Some days you want to play independently and other days all you want is your mama, and although sometimes all I want is a second alone I really do cherish those days, because they are fleeting. One day you'll wake up and not want the kisses, the snuggles, or the baby talk. That day will break my heart in two, but I know it'll come. So for now I'll enjoy your slobbery kisses, your laughter, and your squeals that hurt even rambos ears. I know I say it all the time, but every day it rings more true... you are my whole world little bear, it begins and ends with you and your happiness. I wish nothing but love and success for you in all your adventures and one day when you look back I truly hope you know mommy tried. I tried my hardest to stay calm, to keep you happy, healthy, and most of all loved. You have been my biggest accomplishment and the biggest blessing in my whole life. Always be a pineapple, stand tall, and be sweet on the inside my little love. 

4 month photo dump:

Until next time,