
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 12

So I made this super cute bump tracker this weekend with full intentions of taking my first bump picture to blog, however on Monday I woke up with a nasty head cold I still haven't been able to completely kick. So you get the picture of the tracker this week and I promise I will have week 13 bump up with my Sweet Baby P bump in view.

How far along: 12 weeks (5 days...oops)
Gender: Will find out March 22nd and I couldn't be more excited. Cameron says it's a boy but I just feel like it's a girl, I look at boy stuff and for some reason can't see Sweet Baby P wearing anything but tutu's. 
Weight gain: I need to get a scale for the house so I am not sure
Maternity clothes: My leggings are starting to be the only thing that I feel comfy in, so I'm thinking a trip to Target and Gap are in order soon.
Stretch marks: Two... EXACTLY two on my left hip.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Pretty great when I actually can sleep, but getting a comfortable position is a daunting task.
Best moment this week: Saying goodbye to my best friend/roommate and getting her into her own cozy space in Salt Lake (: 
Worst moment this week: Being sick... 
Miss anything: Like being able to watch Disney movies without crying like a baby? Oh and lunch meat, I never liked ham before hand but all I want is a ham sandwich from Kneaders with their honey mustard. MMMMMMM
Movement: Nothing yet, I seriously cannot wait. I have had some scary dreams lately that make me have to double check the ultra sound picture to assure me they did in fact see a baby inside. It'll be so nice once the baby moves so I know (s)he is still floatin around.
Cravings: Canned Peaches, Red Baron single serve pizzas, lean cuisine, carne asada fries, and street tacos... Just to name a few...
Queasy or sick: I was pretty much bed ridden from weeks 6-10 but I got a prescription for Diclegis and although it's pricey (thanks tri-care for not covering the one script I need) it is SO worth it. I take it right before I got to bed and I'm pretty stable for the next day. 
Looking forward to: My next OB appointment on the 10th and the Gender reveal on the 22nd!

Until next time,

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Big Announcement!

Wow y'all I'm so sorry I've been MIA for almost 2 months. So much has been going on and I just haven't had the energy to blog. So I'm back now and I'm not planning on going anywhere again for a while. 

So if you follow me on Instagram or are friends with me on Facebook you know by now that I'M PREGNANT! 

That's right, the Peterson family is adding two little feet to our family! Also, if you've followed my journey from the beginning (first post here) you know that I'll be going through this entire pregnancy without my husband. That's correct, not only did he manage to knock me up but he managed to be able to skip out on ALL the lovely things that come with it. Like morning (or all day in my case) sickness, the 2am cravings for a dirty diet coke from Swig or Maverick, and last but not least the MOOD SWINGS! I'm talking crying over ever ASPCA commercial that comes on because those poor animals don't have loving families. 

I know that him being gone is not ideal for him in any way because he has to miss out on the good things too, like the ultrasounds, appointments, feeling the baby kick, etc. but somehow I have done pretty well at incorporating him into the pregnancy as much a I can. I send him weekly bump (bloat) pictures, I send him messages on how the baby is developing almost daily, and we even got to skype during the ultrasound! So among all the chaos there are still some great memories and happiness all around,

I bet y'all are wanting to know all the details.. No? Well I'm going to tell you anyways!

It all started while we were in California over Christmas, I had had really sore breasts and I was peeing every hour starting from about the 27th forward. I was also about a week late. I tested that morning and the test was a blue dye test (which now doing my research have heard are faulty) and it came out Negative. Alright well, maybe the stress of deployment is delaying the arrival of Mother Nature. Fast forward to  New years eve, I was having some wine and my dad wanted  to do a shot of whiskey and whiskey is MY FAVORITE well we cheers our shot glasses and as soon as that smell got half way to my nose I was instantly gagging. TOTALLY not like me I'm usually a damn good shooter. So that was kind of my final clue that something wasn't quite right. We finished the night watching the ball drop in Times Square and we were off to bed. 

The next morning after my dad had left to go golfing and my mom was at my sisters I grabbed the box I had and took a digital test. I sat and waited while staring at it and about 30 seconds after I put it down it popped up "Pregnant." I waited until the 3 minutes it told me to was over and the word "NOT" which I had seen so many times, never appeared. I wanted so badly to do something cute for Cameron to tell him he was going to be a dad after almost 10 months of trying but I was just TOO excited and walked to the front room, said "Happy New Year" and handed him the test. 

I was OVER THE MOON excited and just couldn't stop touching my belly. All I could think was that there was a little one cooking up in there. We went to lunch that day with his sister Katie and her Fiance Dylan and it took everything in me not to blab. But I kept my mouth shut until we got back in the car on our way home and just couldn't stop talking. We surprised my parents with cards about "Grandparents" and face timed Cameron's parents shortly after to tell them the news. Everyone was so happy, my dad cried, my mom was in shock, Cameron's mom didn't believe us until the next day, and his dad was speechless. 

Cameron left for Utah the next day and that afternoon I was hitting a state of denial. I didn't believe I could actually be pregnant, I couldn't be pregnant a week before he left for quite a long trip. It just wasn't true. So I went out again, and bought a box of 2 red dye tests (from what I've read they are the most accurate) I took those tests in the early evening after drinking water all day to see if it was still positive after I had hydrated for a decent amount of time. Guess what? 

Withing seconds the second line popped right up, dark red and so OBVIOUSLY there. 

So there we have it! Pinterest boards and lots of ideas are just a small bit of what I've been doing with my spare time. I can't wait to find out if Sweet Baby P is a He or a She only a few more weeks until we find out!