
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 12

So I made this super cute bump tracker this weekend with full intentions of taking my first bump picture to blog, however on Monday I woke up with a nasty head cold I still haven't been able to completely kick. So you get the picture of the tracker this week and I promise I will have week 13 bump up with my Sweet Baby P bump in view.

How far along: 12 weeks (5 days...oops)
Gender: Will find out March 22nd and I couldn't be more excited. Cameron says it's a boy but I just feel like it's a girl, I look at boy stuff and for some reason can't see Sweet Baby P wearing anything but tutu's. 
Weight gain: I need to get a scale for the house so I am not sure
Maternity clothes: My leggings are starting to be the only thing that I feel comfy in, so I'm thinking a trip to Target and Gap are in order soon.
Stretch marks: Two... EXACTLY two on my left hip.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Pretty great when I actually can sleep, but getting a comfortable position is a daunting task.
Best moment this week: Saying goodbye to my best friend/roommate and getting her into her own cozy space in Salt Lake (: 
Worst moment this week: Being sick... 
Miss anything: Like being able to watch Disney movies without crying like a baby? Oh and lunch meat, I never liked ham before hand but all I want is a ham sandwich from Kneaders with their honey mustard. MMMMMMM
Movement: Nothing yet, I seriously cannot wait. I have had some scary dreams lately that make me have to double check the ultra sound picture to assure me they did in fact see a baby inside. It'll be so nice once the baby moves so I know (s)he is still floatin around.
Cravings: Canned Peaches, Red Baron single serve pizzas, lean cuisine, carne asada fries, and street tacos... Just to name a few...
Queasy or sick: I was pretty much bed ridden from weeks 6-10 but I got a prescription for Diclegis and although it's pricey (thanks tri-care for not covering the one script I need) it is SO worth it. I take it right before I got to bed and I'm pretty stable for the next day. 
Looking forward to: My next OB appointment on the 10th and the Gender reveal on the 22nd!

Until next time,

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