
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Veterans Day

Yesterday was Veterans day, and my 3 veterans were not with me. This is the first year that my dad has been away from me, ever. We have always been EXTREMELY close to each other, hardly ever apart. Now he is 664.1 miles away from me. Normally on Veterans Day we would all get together at dads for a tri-tip, potatoes, and some sort of veggie. That was just the tradition. However, yesterday I went home to an empty house. Cameron is training, my dad is in California, and my grandfather is no longer with us. Luckily my roommate got home about an hour after I did with dinner. I ate my Wendy's and tried not to miss what I had always known.

I would find myself enjoying my glass of wine but my brain would be wandering off missing the familiarity. I was sad. I miss my husband, and I miss my dad. Thankfully, I was able to call my dad and talk to him on my way home from work and tell him how much I miss him and was thankful for his service.

My dad has been disabled since I was 5 so he retired and stayed home and raised me while my wonderful mother did everything she could and worked her bum off to provide for us. Another reason my dad and I are so close, he raised me. I know more about changing a radiator on a car than how to braid hair thanks to my pops. I know everyone says that they have the greatest dad in the world. I truly do, this man has sacrificed so much. He has always put me and my needs WAY before his own. Hell, I would rather hang out with my dad than any of my friends on any given day of the week. He's that amazing.

I wasn't able to talk to Cameron until later due to our conflicting schedules, but once I talked to him I missed him even more. This has been the first time he's left that I've truly to my core felt like a part of me was missing. Normally, he leaves, I do my thing while he's gone and he comes back in what seems like a blink of an eye. This time it feels like he has been gone for ages and I am just counting down the days until he comes home to me.

Cameron and I haven't always had the perfect marriage or relationship in general. With any relationship you have your ups and downs. Along with the wreck and many other trials, things have popped up that weren't always easy to overcome. Somehow we have pulled through. He truly is my soulmate. He goes to work everyday at a job that is not easy, nor extremely fun. However, he goes everyday to provide for me and give me the life I've always dreamed of. He is the most supportive person I've ever known, and is constantly pushing me to be a better person and follow my dreams.

Finally, my grandfather. Who passed away in a plane crash when I was 5. Although I was young when he left, he was my BEST friend. I saw him all the time and when I didn't see him, I would call him. I blame him whole heartedly for my love of Dr. Pepper and Double Stuft Oreos. In the short time he was with me, he left such an impact on my life. I still remember his voice and how he always smelled of fiberglass and cigarettes from working in the shop. He also made the best root beer floats known to man. I remember the last thing we said to each other only minutes before he got on the plane "I love you dork, be good while I'm gone" to which I replied "I'm always good dork. I love you forever." Those last words have stuck in my mind for the last 17 years. Because of him, I refuse to let anyone go anywhere without saying goodbye and telling them I love them. You never know when it will be the last time.

Thank you all, family, friends, strangers in the military for going above and beyond the call of duty so that us Civilians can live freely. Your sacrifices do not go unappreciated. You go months or years without seeing your family, holidays spent away, milestones are missed. All because you are fighting for our rights. I could never express how unbelievably grateful I am for each and every one of you. I not only celebrate you today, but everyday because your job is not just one day a year. It's every day, every year. 

Jack David Siebenhaar- Navy

David Scott Siebenhaar- Army 

Cameron Michael Peterson II - Army National Guard

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