How far along: 20 Weeks(4 1/2 months down and 4 1/2 to go!)
Gender:Boy (we double checked at our ultrasound)
Weight gain: 0 lbs... yep you read that correctly.. since I lost 8-10 pounds between weeks 6-14 I am just now reaching the weight I was when I got pregnant.. ALL in my belly so I'm all evened out.
Maternity clothes: Yes on tops and I LOVE my dresses from my MIL
Stretch marks: Yeah... learning to embrace the tiger stripes
Belly button in or out: In.. I honestly don't think I will ever be able to answer out..
Sleep: Not until about 12-1am when my hip pain subsides
Best moment this week: I have more than one! 1: Our 20 week ultrasound was this week and we got to see our little banana! Cameron got to FaceTime with us and see SJ moving around.. he was being super stubborn so we didn't get a super good shot of his face. 2: HE MOVED!!!! I can finally feel his kicks and BOY are they insane. The first time I felt it, I called Kelsey and just cried to her.. 3: BOOBS! these bad boys came in over night and 'hopefully' they're here to stay. (;
Worst moment this week: This weekend was miserable, thanks hormones for sticking me in a funk where I literally lay in bed and watch Netflix for 48 hours.. but i suppose it happens.
Miss anything: Deli meat, sushi
Movement: YES! Everywhere
Cravings: Still milkshakes, and Italian food (pastas, pizzas, etc)
Queasy or sick: Not this week, maybe i'll be safe now.. either way i'm still taking my medication every night like my life depends on it.
Looking forward to: My dad will be here next Tuesday!!!
The best profile we could get and my AMAZING tech tried for an extra 10 minutes past my appointment to get it.
The quality is a little fuzzy, the connection is pretty up and down BUT look at that smile... he's already such an amazing daddy and SO proud.
Until next time,
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